Please note:
The Ministry of Commerce has
proposed a Foreign Investment Law (FIL) that
has been approved by the Cabinet and that is
currently in the parliamentary process. When
approved, it will replace the Alien Business
Aliens in Thailand derive their legal rights
primarily from the domestic laws of
Thailand. In general, aliens enjoy the same
basic rights as Thai nationals.
Restrictions on alien ownership in
commercial banks, insurance companies,
commercial fishing, aviation business,
commercial transportation, commodity export,
mining and other enterprises exist under
various laws. In addition, Thai
participation will frequently be required in
those activities seeking promotion from the
B. The Alien
Business Law
The Alien Business Law of 1972 primarily
serves to define and narrow the scope of
foreign participation in Thai business
An “alien” is defined as a natural or
juristic person without Thai nationality and
A juristic person with at least one-half of
shares in its registered capital being held
by aliens or juristic persons in which the
capital contribution by aliens is valued at
least one-half of its total capital
A juristic person with more than half of the
number of its shareholders, partners or
members being aliens, regardless of the
amount of capital invested by aliens
A limited partnership, or a registered
ordinary partnership of which the managing
partner is an alien
Businesses Subject to Regulation
Businesses that initiate activities that
fall under categories A, B and C (listed
below) of the Alien Business Law are subject
to the limitations imposed by law.
Activities outside of the apparent scope of
the Alien Business Law include many
manufacturing industries, leasing and
lending activities. Some of these businesses
may be subject to restrictions under other
Thai laws, regulations and practices.
Businesses in Categories A and B are closed
to aliens. Alien enterprises granted
promotional privileges by the Board of
Investment are permitted to engage in a
Category B business.
While businesses in Category C remain open,
Thai authorities grant permits to foreigners
for work in these categories only when they
are convinced that such new businesses could
not be competently conducted by an
organization in which the majority ownership
is Thai.
Category A -
Closed to Aliens
Agricultural Businesses
Rice farming
Salt farming, including manufacture but
excluding rock salt mining
Commercial Businesses
Internal trade in local agricultural
Land trade
Brokerage or Agency
Service Businesses
Barber, hairdressing, and beautification
Other Businesses
Building construction
Category B -
Closed to Aliens unless promoted by the
Board of Investment
Agricultural Businesses
Orchard farming
Animal husbandry, including silk worm
Industrial and Handicraft Businesses
Rice milling
Manufacture of flour from rice field crops
Manufacture of sugar
Manufacture of beverage, with and without
alcoholic blending
Manufacture of ice
Manufacture of drugs
Cold storage
Wood processing
Manufacture of product from gold, silver,
niello, or bronze
Manufacture of casting of images of Buddha
and manufacture of alms bowls
Manufacture of wood carvings
Manufacture of lacquerware
Manufacture of all types of matches
Manufacture of lime, cement, or cement
Stone blasting or crushing
Manufacture of plywood, wood veneer, chip
board or hard board
Manufacture of garment or shoes except for
Printing press
Newspaper publication
Silk combing, silk weaving or printing of
pattern or silk pattern
Manufacture of products from silk, silk
treads, silk cocoon or silk material
Commercial Businesses
Retailing of all products except those
specified in Category C (Below)
Sale of mining products except those
specified in Category C
Sale of all types of food and beverage
except those specified in Category C
Sale of antiques, period antiques or works
of art
Service Businesses
Tour agencies
Hotel business except hotel management
Business under the law on service-providing
Photography, photographic developing and
Tailoring and dressmaking
Other Businesses
Internal transport by land, water, or air
Category C –
Open to Aliens
Industrial and Handicraft Businesses
Manufacture of animal feeds
Extraction of vegetable oil
Manufacture of embroidering and knitting
products including weaving, dyeing, and
pattern printing
Manufacture of glass containers including
light bulbs
Manufacture of crockery
Manufacture of writing and printing paper
Rock salt mining
Commercial Businesses
Wholesales of all types of products within
the country except those specified in
Category A (Above)
Export of all types of products
Retailing machinery, equipment and tools
Sale of food and beverage for the promotion
of tourism
Brokerage or agency
Service Businesses
Except for those specified in Category A and
Category B
Other Businesses
Other constructions except those specified
in Category A
Many American-owned enterprises have invoked
the provisions of the Treaty of Amity and
Economic Relations between Thailand and the
United States to claim exemption from the
law. The treaty requires national treatment
be granted to persons of each country by the
other country. To receive protection,
Americans must register under the treaty.
Although on paper the treaty appears
self-executing, the Thai Government will not
recognize the American applicant until such
applicant proves its American nationality.
An alien desiring to engage in any business
specified in Category C as listed above must
submit an application to the Department of
Commercial Registration and must receive a
permit - an Alien Business License - prior
to beginning business activities. Permits
will be valid for a fixed period and will be
subject to conditions therein stated.
Ministerial Regulations under Section 8 of
the Law and recent announcements of the
Department established the following
standard conditions for companies applying
for Alien Business permits:
The total debt financing used in the
business shall not exceed seven times the
capital owned by the shareholders, partners
and proprietors of the business
Money remitted from abroad shall not be less
than the amount declared as capital
investment to be made in Thailand
The number of Thai and alien directors shall
be in proportion to capital held
At least one person responsible for
operating the business must have his
domicile in the Kingdom
Upon expiration of the permit, the portion
of the capital of the shareholders, partners
or business proprietors owned by Thai
nationals shall not be less than that owned
by aliens.
