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<p><strong>“To own a plot of land under your feet, and a piece of sky overhead is the ultimate luxury” </strong></p>
<p><strong>(ancient Chinese saying)</strong></p>
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<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>Hua Hin Real Estate</strong> – <strong>HHRE </strong>– is one of the leading local <i><a href="">property agents in Hua Hin</a></i> and Thailand. Our offices in Hua Hin and <i><a href="">Koh Phangan</a></i> (Koh Samui + Koh Tao) offer all services around real estate, property and construction.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>HOT DEAL</p>
<p> </p>
<p><b> <i><a href=""> Building plot at DOLPHIN BAY</a></i></b><b><i><a href="">, 1,302 sqm only 1 km from the beach – now reduced from 2.3 to 1.6 Mil. Baht !!!</a></i></b></p>
<p> </p>
<p>We offer a full range of property for sale in and around Hua Hin, on the islands Koh Phangan and Koh Samui as well as in and around <i><a href="">Krabi und Koh Lanta</a></i>, including new and re-sale homes, houses, villas, luxury properties, townhouses, pool properties, properties on golf courses, condos, land and commercial property. The enormous range of available property in Thailand means that there is something to suit every taste and budget from small holiday bungalows to impressive <a href="">luxury residences</a> for those wanting a secure property investment in Thailand.</p>
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<p>Follow your dream – <strong>HHRE</strong> and our TOP qualified property team with intimate property knowledge of markets and excellent relationships with investors and property developers, will find the perfect property to suit your specific dream.</p>
<p>Investors interested in doing business in Thailand or Dubai or buying commercial property are with us – <strong>HHRE</strong> and <strong> <a href="">Shuraa Management & Consultancy LLC</a>,</strong> Dubai, provide comprehensive business consultancy, company formations, project and property management, development, management services, to name just a few, in Thailand and the UAE. And we offer a wide range of resorts, developments, hotels, investment plots and existing commercial businesses. If you are seeking the perfect land plot to build your dream home, shop, villa or <i><a href=""> development as an investment</a></i> here in Hua Hin or Thailand – <strong>HHRE</strong> can help from foundation to finish! Surveys, analysis, architecture, design, construction, interior design, garden and pool design – we at <strong>HHRE</strong> place all your requirements in the hands of knowledgeable, friendly and experienced professionals, all specialists in their fields.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Our experienced and multilingual staff is here to assist you in English, German, French, Spanish or Thai – we are truly your <strong><u>LOCAL INTERNATIONAL</u></strong> agent. Such is our reputation – why more and more investors and developers choose to give us the exclusive rights to sell their property. They trust our diligence and the power of our long lasting experience in the Thai market – and they honour professional service ethics!</p>
<p>Our partner in legal services according to property sales or buyings, visa affairs, <i><a href="">company registration</a></i> or application for a <i><a href="">work permit</a></i> is one of the highest recommended lawyers in Thailand. As a team we offer a comprehensive range of legal consultancy services including Thailand property purchase according to Thai Laws.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Hua Hin Real Estate – your <strong><u>ONE-STOP-SERVICE</u></strong> for residential and business property purchase and investment in Thailand!</p>
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<p>We Thank You for visiting our websites and should be pleased if you trusted us on future occasions.</p>
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